Shed of the year 2024, Sponsored by Cuprinol, Sponsors Shed of the year
Front of shed - Toms hidden garden, Falkirk Inside of shed - Toms hidden garden, Falkirk Front of shed - Toms hidden garden, Falkirk Photo 4 of shed - Toms hidden garden, Falkirk

Toms hidden garden

  • Sheddie:

    Thomas Williamson
  • Location:

    Rear garden, bonnybridgr - Falkirk
  • Surprise Me
    All photos are copyright sheddie Thomas Williamson Edit your shed
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    Shed Features

    Just before lockdown we decided to replace our old garage over 50 years old, wooden and painted with black preservative, with a seating area and small shed.Along came covid and lockdown, all suppliers were closed, material was hard to get, do out came the thinking hat.....We decided to keep the garage but renovate it, leaving the front intact, removing door , we removed the first 6ft of wooden sides leaving the uprights, then created a new front set 6ft back, with a single door.Creating a much needed covered seating area, fitted electrics yes I am qualified to do this lol, painted all for less than twenty pounds, the cost of new hinges and lock, everything else was reused or up cycled.Trellis and raised beds fitted and now a great asset to garden, full sun all morning a great spot to watch the wildlife

    Other Shed info

    Everything done using what we had lying around.We open the garden for charity so we now have a enclosed seating area, and shed, and saved not only the cost of a new shed at over £1500 pounds but saved sending old shed to landfill.

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