Shed of the year 2024, Sponsored by Cuprinol, Sponsors Shed of the year
Front view of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Side view of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Inside of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Inside of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Tree mural of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport More us more of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Obvious use for broken chair! of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Papercut shadows of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Daisy’s work station of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Flower power table and chair of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Bathed in sunshine of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Side view of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Inside of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport Side close up of shed - Cynefin Studio, Newport

Cynefin Studio

  • Sheddie:

    Beth wilks
  • Location:

    My garden - Newport
  • Surprise Me
    All photos are copyright sheddie Beth wilks Edit your shed
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    Shed Features

    Cynefin Studio is a happy and creative place where my daughter and I create our artwork.

    Other Shed info

    The shed shell was erected professionally and we then added insulation and flooring ourselves. My clever brother did the electrics so that we can work into the night and don’t freeze in winter!

    All elements of the decoration have been done by me and it has evolved over the couple of years that it has been up- I work firmly on the premise that more is more! Murals, hangings and weird and wonderful bits and bobs have been added - who knew that a broken bit of chair could be used to hang things from?!

    Everything inside has been sourced second hand to make the studio as cheap and sustainable as possible. I have tried to include as many creative elements as possible, for example painting flowers all over the table and chair where my daughter sits to do her drawing.

    These items were being thrown out, so I love that we were able to bring them back to life.

    Cynefin is a Welsh word, its literal translation is ‘habitat’ but it means much more than that … somewhere where you feel that you belong, where you are at home. Cynefin Studio is our happy place where we can escape and create!

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